To get started, upload or paste your data from Excel (saved as CSV or TSV).
or semi-colons ;
TSV or Tab Separated Values is used to store table data in Clipboards.
When data is copied from Excel for example, it is stored as TSV in the Clipboard.
Bug fix: Detect duplicate column headers and make them unique. GitHub issue #71.
Refactored and published npm package csv2json. Fix for GitHub issue #70.
Improvement: Removed 64k limit on download button. Also fixed issue #68 'Cannot work functional with special letters'.
Improvement: Added option to parse JSON values.
Improvement: Added option to minify or compact JSON. GitHub issue #21
Improvement: Added option to parse number values or not to retain original number formatting. GitHub issue #13
Fixed bug : If no text is present in a csv field, it was assigned 0 (zero) by default.
Bug fix: strings containing quotes and commas were prematurely cut.
Bug fix: drop quotes on keys of nested objects.
Improvement: Added options to transpose and output object instead of array.
Bug fix: Pasting Excel data into Textarea would cause an upload.
Initial release.